Art Direction


Graphic Design


Agency : GTDI Creative director : Henry Ho Art director : Yolaine Codjovi Design : Tetsuro Horie              Hanako Zhang              Eartha Choy              Henry Ho              Mimat Ritthirak              Kitahiro Ozawa              Yolaine Codjovi
30th HK Printing Award Stationery Printing (Calendar) Excellence

Exploration of printing techniques for a printing company's calendar.

Résumé en cours d'écriture


With the increased use of smartphones, a printing calendar is for some dated. With PLAY 2020, we wanted to create an object that grabs the attention more than for few seconds, than people are excited to look at. A piece than people could still keep it once the year is passed. For each month, we invite the user to interact with the object itself, to “play” with it. It can be as simple as looking twice, triggering the wish to touch it, searching, or just questioning the person who is in front of it. Each page is becoming a surprise while showcasing different papers and printing techniques, and raising the excitement for what can be next. The calendar itself was created through a game between the designers.
Avec l'utilisation accrue des smartphones, l'impression d'un calendrier est pour certains dépassée. Avec PLAY 2020, nous voulions créer un objet qui attirerait l'attention plus de quelques secondes, que les gens seraient ravis de regarder. Une pièce que l'on pourrait conserver une fois l'année passée. Pour chaque mois, nous invitons l'utilisateur à interagir avec l'objet lui-même, à « jouer » avec lui. Cela peut être aussi simple que de regarder deux fois, de déclencher le désir de le toucher, de chercher, ou simplement d'interroger la personne qui se trouve devant. Chaque page devient une surprise tout en présentant différents papiers et techniques d'impression, et en suscitant l'enthousiasme pour ce qui peut arriver par la suite. Le calendrier lui-même a été créé grâce à un jeu entre les designers.


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Being in the doldrums,
feeling sorrow

Emprisonné dans le marasme, broyé du noir

Emprisonné dans le marasme, broyé du noir


This attitude displays excessive pride.
A tender and harmless feelthat
yields the readiness to touch.
Eager to know, even when it should not need to.
Staying hidden.
Kept from the knowledge of all
but the intended.
Easy interactions with others.
Making of noise:brouhaha, undesirable Disturbance being imposed on the usual signal.
A pretentious and excessive display ofwill to attract attention.

H as for Hifumikan

Each stroke comes from the japanese's kanjis

Representation of the Metasequoia trees near the house

Also the mountains surrounding the area

Hifumi can be literally translated as 123, and also means going deeper

take also the shape of a house

H as for Hifumikan

The 6 strokes take source from the japanese's kanjis

displays the famous Metasequoia trees nearby

Also the mountains surrounding the area

Hifumi can be literally translated as 123, and also means going deeper

Displays also a House